Electronics Development Smartstyle Electronics

Lighting Fixtures with DMX Manager Supports

The structure of the software of a complex includes library of files-descriptions of light devices (Fixrure). In such files key parameters and characteristics of devices are described, such as:
- number of channels;
- the name, distribution, functional applicability of channels;
- the list of supported colors and gobos;
- additional functions and opportunities of devices.

The library periodically extends and if in the list below there is no your device, please contact us, specify model and the manufacturer of your device and we shall create a file-description for it, and we shall add in library.
You can independently create and add also new light devices, however, for this purpose additional knowledge and detailed instructions to light devices can be demanded.

The following list of light devices is supported now:

Abstract - Futurescan 1CE
AmericanDJ - AutoSpot150
AmericanDJ - Concept1
AmericanDJ - Concept2
Cindy - CCW250
Cindy - EXW5716
Cindy - Scan1280
Clay Paky - Golden Scan3
Clay Paky - Stagezoom
Coemar - CF7HE
Coemar - CF7WashZoom
Coemar - CF7WashZoomX
Coemar - Fiera1200
Coemar - Fiera1200EB
Coemar - Fiera575
Coemar - Fiera575EB
Coemar - iCyc250
Coemar - iSpot150
Coemar - iSpot575
Coemar - iSpot575EB
Coemar - iWash575EB
Coemar - iWashFlex
Coemar - ProSpot250LX
Coemar - ProSpot575LX
Coemar - ProWash250LX
Coemar - ProWash575LX
Contest - GSC500
Contest - RLR500
Contest - SCN500
Contest - SCN800
Chauvet - Intimidator Color DMX-500
Chauvet - Kinta DMX-311X
Chauvet - Oceana DMX-355
Chauvet - Omega-250C
Chauvet - Q-Spot 250
Chauvet - Scan-580
Chauvet - Scorpion Scan 40
Chauvet - VUE III
DiscoTech - ScanTech150
DTS - XR7 Sport
DTS - XR8-Spot
DLL - StarTrack-250
E-lite - ServoSpot
Eurolite - TS-150
Eurolite - TS-255
Eurolite - TS-5
Futurelight - DJ-Scan200
Futurelight - DJScan250
Futurelight - MH-420
Futurelight - MH-440
Futurelight - MH-460
Futurelight - MH-640
Futurelight - MH-660
Futurelight - MH-840
Futurelight - MH-860
Futurelight - PHS-250
Futurelight - PHW-250
Futurelight - PSC-250
FutureLight - PSX-250
Futurelight - SC-330
Futurelight - SC-570
Geni - MojoColor
GENI - MojoScan1
Geni - Nimbus2
Geni - OBY-3
Geni - OBY-5
Geni - Shiva200-250
Geni - Shiva-R
Geni - Spyro-250
GLP - DP-106
GLP - DP-56
GLP - MDP-1012
GLP - MightyScan
GLP - Pocket Scan
Hazer - ZR24.7 (Fog generator)
High End - Intellabeam 400
High End - Intellabeam 700HX
High End - Technobeam
High End - Trackspot
HQPower - Space250
HQPower - Tropical250
HQPower - VDP150CC
HQPower - VDP250MH8
JB-Lighting - VS 6 575 HMI
JB-Lighting - VS Micro 150 HTI
JB-Lighting - VS Micro Plus 150 HTI
JBsystems - DP 615
JBsystems - Emperor
JBsystems - Falcon
JBsystems - Fantasy Wash
JBsystems - Jaguar
JBsystems - MagicGobo
JBsystems - Mighty
JBsystems - Panther
JBsystems - SpotKnight
JBsystems - SpotQueen
JBsystems - Supertiger
JBsystems - The Leader
JBsystems - VectraSpot
JBsystems - Winner
MA Lighting - 24 channel dimmerpack
Martin - Acrobat
Martin - Atomic3000DMX
Martin - Mac250
Martin - Mac250+
Martin - Mac250Entour
Martin - Mac250Krypton
Martin - Mac300
Martin - Mac500
Martin - Mac550
Martin - Mac600
Martin - Mac600NT
Martin - MiniMacMaestro
Martin - MiniMacProfile
Martin - MiniMacWash
Martin - MX-1
Martin - MX-10
Martin - MX-4
Martin - Pro518
Martin - Pro918
Martin - RobocolorIIx
Martin - Robozap
PAR 64 - 1 PAR64 (1,2,4,...)
PARCAN - PAR (blue,cyan,magenta,...)
PR Lighting - Pilot150
PR Lighting - Pilot2250
PR Lighting - Pilot300
PR Lighting - PilotWash
PSL - Colourplus
Robe - Color Wash 575 AT
Robe - Scan 575 XT
Robe - Spot 250 XT
Robe - Wash 575 XT
Robe - Spot 575 XT
Showtec - Bat 3
STAGETECH - Mousescan
StudioDue - CityColor
Ultralite - Megacolor211
Ultralite - Megascan411
Xilver - Droplet
Rambler's Top100
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